Kickpages Cloud


The best tech platform for your pages

Get unrivaled performance, speed, reliability, and security with Kickpages Cloud

Kickpages Cloud

What is Kickpages Cloud?

Kickpages Cloud is the technology platform we use to store and host your pages. It delivers unparalleled performance to help you get more sales, higher conversions, faster page speeds, and over 99.999% uptime.

Industry-leading hosting for your sites

Many website platforms cut costs by using unreliable servers, resulting in downtime and lost sales for your business. Kickpages Cloud uses Amazon’s industry-leading S3 storage for unrivaled reliability (99.999% + uptime), blazing-fast speeds, and the highest levels of security.

Industry-leading hosting for your sites

Lightning-fast speeds

Lightning-fast speeds, wherever your visitors are

If your server is in one location, but your site visitors arrive from all over the world, it can cause frustratingly long page loads. Kickpages Cloud uses Amazon’s Cloudfront CDN (content delivery network) to distribute your pages amongst 200+ servers scattered across the globe so that visitors get served by the closest server to them, relegating complaints about speed to a problem of the past.

High-level SSL security included as standard

SSL certificates help secure your website against threats, provide trust to visitors, and can improve your ranking in search engines – but normally they cost extra and are tricky to install. With Kickpages Cloud, SSL is included as standard with all our plans and is installed automatically without you needing to worry about a thing.

High-level SSL security

Prefer to host your pages on your own servers?

You can do that too

There are times where you may want complete control over where your pages are stored and hosted.

With Kickpages, you have the flexibility to download your pages and host them wherever you like – even if you decide to cancel in the future

With Kickpages, you have the flexibility to download your pages and host them wherever you like

Get the best possible performance, speed, and security for your pages

Unlike a lot of our competitors, we use our own app. Everything you see on our website is built by Kickpages.